Constitution of the Japan Operative Nursing Academy
Chapter I  General Rules Article 1. Name
The name of the organization shall be Nihon Shujutsu Kango Gakkai, and in English translation, Japan Operative Nursing Academy. Article 2. Secretariat
The headquarters of the Japan Operative Nursing Academy shall be located at 4F Hongo Sampo Building, 3-19-7 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku in Tokyo, and regional headquarters shall be established in each region.
Chapter II  Objectives Article 3. Objectives The objectives of the Academy shall be to promote improvement in the quality of theater nurses, to broaden their role in their profession, and to contribute to the improvement of people’s health and quality of life by increasing the public’s understanding of social conditions surrounding operative medical care and nursing, by providing education and training in specialized areas of operative nursing, and by conducting research grounded in practice.
Chapter III  Activities Article 4. Activities
The Academy shall engage in the following activities to achieve the objectives of the academy:
  1. Hold annual meetings
  2. Conduct training, educational, and research activities in operative nursing
  3. Conduct field surveys of members every five (5) years
  4. Publish the Acadey jurnal and other publications
  5. Cooperate and participate in domestic and international academic conferences
  6. Engage in other activities deemed necessary and appropriate by the Board of Directors

Chapter IV  Membership Article 5. Membership
The categories of membership of the Academy shall be as follows:
  1. Full members
  2. Supporting members
  3. Honorary members

Article 6. Definition of Members and Membership Fees
Full members
  1. A full member shall be a nurse engaged in operative nursing, a nursing assistant, or an individual engaged in medical care or medical education and research who agrees with the purposes of the Academy.
  2. A full member may attend ordinary general meetings and exercise voting rights.
  3. A full member may contribute to the academy’s journal, make pronouncements at the annual meetings, and receive the Academy journal and other publications.
Supporting Members
  1. A supporting member shall be an individual or group of individuals that agrees with the objectives of the Academy and obtains the approval of the Board of Directors.

Honorary Members
  1. An honorary member shall be a person who has made a significant contribution to the development of the Academy and who obtains the approval of the ordinary general meeting following the recommendation by the Chair of the Board and discussion by the Board of Directors and Board of Trustees.

  2. An honorary member may attend meetings of the Board of Trustees and express an opinion.

  3. An honorary member shall be not required to pay membership fees.

Membership Fees
  1. Persons who join this academy shall pay prescribed annual membership fees.

  2. Membership fees once paid shall not be refunded irrespective of the reason.

Chapter V  Directors Article 7. Directors
The Academy shall have the following officers:
1. Chairperson, Board of Director 1
2. Vice-Chairperson, Board of Director 2
3. Director 11 (not including Chair and Vice Chair)
4. Appointed Director Other directors appointed by the Chairperson numbering no more than 20
5. Auditor  2
6. Trustee At least 1 per region

Article 8. Election of DirectorsDirectors shall be elected in the following manner:
  1. The Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected from among the Directors at a meeting of the Board of Directors and shall obtain the approval of the ordinary general meeting.
  2. Directors shall be elected at the regional meetings of the Board of Directors and shall obtain the approval of the general meeting. Regional Chairs shall also in principle be Directors. However, the Regional Chair may also become a Vice Chair depending on the region.
  3. To promote the smooth operation of the Academy, Appointed Directors shall be appointed by the Chair from among the full members and shall obtain the approval of the ordinary general meeting. However, the term of an Appointed Director shall be no longer than the term of the Chair.
  4. Auditors shall be recommended from among the full members and shall obtain the approval of the Board of Directors.
  5. Trustees shall be elected from among the full members of each region and shall obtain the approval of the Board of Directors.

Article 9. Terms of Office
  1. The term of office of a Director shall be two (2) years and shall expire at the conclusion of the ordinary general meeting. However, the reappointment of a Director shall be permitted.
  2. The term of office of the Chair shall not exceed three (3) terms or six (6) years.
  3. If the position of Chair becomes vacant, the Vice Chair shall fill the vacancy.
  4. If a position of Vice Chair or Auditor becomes vacant, the Chair shall appoint a successor from among the directors and shall obtain the approval of the Board of Directors.
  5. If a position of Director or Trustee becomes vacant, a successor shall be elected by the respective region. The term of office of the successor shall be the same as the remaining period of the term of office of the predecessor.

Article 10. Duties of Directors The Directors shall perform the following duties:
  1. The Chair shall represent the Academy and shall exercise general control over the affairs of the Academy.
  2. The Vice Chairs shall provide support to the Chair and shall act on behalf of the Chair when the Chair is unable to perform duties of the position.
  3. Appointed Directors shall be in charge of annual meetings, education and training, and business, etc. In addition, Appointed Directors shall provide support to the Chair and Vice Chairs, deliberate on the business plan proposal and its practical execution, and make proposals to the Board of Directors.
  4. Directors shall organize meetings of the Board of Directors, deliberate on affairs of the Academy, and execute routine business concerning the management of the Academy. 
  5. Trustees shall organize meetings of the Board of Trustees and deliberate on matters provided for in this Constitution as well as important matters concerning the management of the Academy as advised by the Chair.
  6. Auditors shall audit the accounts and assets of the Academy. 

Chapter VI  Meetings Article 11. Meetings
The Academy shall have the following meetings:
  1. Meetings of the Board of Directors
  2. Meetings of the Board of Trustees
  3. Ordinary general meetings

Article 12. Meetings of the Board of Directors
  1. A meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held at least four times a year. The Board shall adopt resolutions only when a majority of the Directors is present.
  2. Matters concerning the management of meetings of the Board of Directors shall be set down in the bylaws.

Article 13. Meetings of the Board of Trustees
  1. Meetings of the Board of Trustees in principle shall be held once a year at the time of the annual meeting.
  2. Meetings of the Board of Trustees shall execute practical business affairs in cooperation with the Board of Directors based on the business plan of the Academy.
  3. Matters concerning the management of meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be set down in the bylaws.

Article 14. Ordinary General Meetings
  1. An ordinary general meeting is comprised of full members of the Japan Operative Nursing Academy.
  2. The Chair shall convene an ordinary general meeting once a year during the period of the Annual Meeting and shall report on matters decided by the Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees.
  3. The Chair shall seek the approval of the ordinary general meeting on the following matters:
1)  Matters concerning the business plan and revenue and expenditure budget
2)  Mattes concerning the business report and income and expenditure settlement 3)  Matters concerning amendment to the Constitution
4)  Other matters determined to require a resolution of the Board of Directors or ordinary general meeting
  1. Matters concerning the management of proceedings of the ordinary general meeting shall be set down in the bylaws.  

Chapter VII  Annual Meetings
Article 15. Annual Meetings
  1. The Chair of the annual meeting shall be elected from among the Directors at a meeting of the Board of Directors and shall obtain the approval of the ordinary general meeting.
  2. The term of office of the Chair of the annual meeting shall be until the duty of the position is completed.
  3. An annual meeting shall be held once a year in principle.
  4. The Director(s) of the region where the annual meeting is held shall host the meeting.
  5. Matters concerning the management of the annual meeting shall be set down in the bylaws.

Chapter VIII  Academy Journal, etc. Article 16. Academy Journal
  1. The academy shall appoint an editing committee to publish the Academy journal and other publications of the Academy.
  2. The Chair shall appoint and commission an editor in chief of the editing committee from among the Directors and Appointed Directors.
  3. Matters concerning the Academy journal and the editing committee shall be set down in the Editing Committee Rules.

Chapter IX  Regional Branches Article 17. Regional Branches
  1. The Academy shall establish regional branches.
  2. Regional branches shall be managed by Regional Chairs. 
  3. Full members of the Academy shall also be members of regional branches.
  4. Regional branches shall act in cooperation with the Academy.

Chapter X  Accounting Article 18. Accounting
  1. Business expenses of the Academy shall be covered by membership fees, donations, and other revenue.
  2. The budget and settlement of accounts of the Academy shall obtain the approval of the Board of Trustees and the ordinary general meeting.

Article 19. Financial Year
The financial year of the Academy shall commence on April 1 of every year and end on March 31 of the following year. Article 20. Membership Fees
  1. Annual membership fees of the Academy shall be 8,000 yen. However, this shall include a local membership fee of 2,500 yen.
  2. Expenses of the annual meeting shall be borne by attendance fees for the meeting, and the Board of Directors shall report on the settlement thereof.

Chapter XI  Amendment to the Constitution Article 21. Amendment to the Constitution
In addition to matters set down in this Constitution other matters required for the management of the Academy shall be set down separately.
Established April 13, 1987 Partial amendment October 12, 2002
Amendment September 20, 1989 Partial amendment October 24, 2003
Amendment September 27, 1991 Amendment October 9, 2004
Partial amendment January 23, 1992 Partial amendment October 14, 2005
Partial amendment April 1, 1994 Partial amendment October 28, 2006
Partial amendment August 31, 1995 Partial amendment October 10, 2008
Partial amendment April 1, 1996 Partial amendment November 14, 2009
Amendment November 6, 1999