
Protection of Personal Information

Japan Operative Nursing Academy


The Japan Operative Nursing Academy views the personal information of its members with utmost importance and takes every precaution in the handling of member information. We are committed to making every effort to protect our members’ personal information and to prevent unauthorized access.

  1. Definition of personal information
“Personal information,” is any and all information that either singly or collectively can identify a specific individual and includes an individual’ s name, age, date of birth, telephone number, e-mail address, address, or place of employment, etc.   
  1. Collection of personal information
JONA collects personal information only after making clear to members the purpose of collection. Furthermore, JONA collects information by appropriate and fair means after obtaining the prior consent of an individual.
  1. Use and provision of personal information
JONA uses and provides personal information only within the necessary scope for achieving its objectives which it makes clear beforehand. When JONA entrusts personal information to an external organization, it appoints only those organizations which adequately fulfill JONA’s personal information protection standards and with which JONA enters into a personal information protection agreement.
Without the consent of an individual, personal information is not provided to a third party except when required by law.  
  1. Handling of requests for disclosure and amendment of personal information  
JONA endeavors to respond to requests by individuals for disclosure of their personal information or for amendments to their personal information due to errors or changes, etc. as soon as possible.
  1. Appropriate management of personal information  
JONA puts in place appropriate and necessary measures for the prevention of unauthorized access to personal information, or the alteration, destruction, leaking, and loss, etc. of personal information it collects.
  1. Compliance with laws and other relevant regulations   
JONA appoints a personal information protection officer and complies with applicable laws and other regulations relating to personal information.
  1. Personal information on links to this website
On this website JONA provides links to other websites as a means of providing members with useful information and services. However, JONA in no way guarantees the safety of your personal information on those links and advises that members use these websites at their own discretion.
  1. Ongoing improvement in the protection and management of personal information 
JONA conducts ongoing audits and reviews of its protection and management of personal information in efforts to make improvements.
  1. For inquiries regarding personal information, please contact:

Japan Operative Nursing Academy
Hongo Sampo Bldg. 4F
3-19-7, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033
TEL:81-3-3813-0485 FAX:81-3-3813-0539